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1171 Main Street
St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819
United States


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Vermont Civic Health Index Community Forum

  • St. Johnsbury Athenaeum 1171 Main Street St. Johnsbury, VT, 05819 United States (map)

On Wednesday, February 5 at 5:30 pm, the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum will host one of five regional community forums about the Civic Health Index held at libraries across the state.

The Office of Civic and Voter Engagement in the Vermont Secretary of State’s Office is releasing Vermont’s first Civic Health Index. Communities are gathering to discuss our civic health and how we can strengthen it.

The report looks at Vermont’s Civic Health across six domains: Volunteerism and Donating, Political Engagement, Social and Community Context, Cultural Access and Engagement, Media Trust and Access, and Government Trust and Access. It also highlights results from the Vermont Youth Civic Health Survey. Project partners include the Center for Rural Studies at UVM, SerVermont, Vermont Humanities, and Up for Learning.

This forum will include Civic Health Index findings and a review of the process; a panel discussion; and small group discussion. Read the Civic Health Index here.

If you plan to attend the event at the Athenaeum, please RSVP at this link.

Refreshments will be provided.  This event is free, ADA accessible, and open to the public.

Earlier Event: January 23
Inquisitive Readers Book Club